Sunday, December 6, 2015

Palestinian Youth Organization elected to leadership in World Federation of Democratic Youth

The Palestinian Youth Organization was elected for the first time to the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), out of over 62 left and progressive youth organizations around the world attending the WFDY Assembly. 

Comrade Haytham Abdo participated in WFDY’s 19th General Assembly, convened in Havana, Cuba in November 2015 and is representing PYO on the General Council. The PYO is very active in WFDY activities and most recently hosted a delegation of the General Council in Ain el-Helweh camp in Lebanon in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

WFDY was founded in 1945, following World War II and after the defeat of fascist forces, by young people coming together to struggle against fascism and imperialism. Over 150 otganizations around the world are united under the banner of anti-imperialism in WFDY.

“The election of the Palestinian Youth Organization is based on its position of firm principle, simplicity and clarity of vision that unequivocally refuses to recognize the Zionist entity and refuses the path of negotiations. Palestine from the river to the sea is our homeland; we reject the agreements with the enemy, from Camp David to Wadi Araba to Oslo,” said the PYO following the election.

Comrade Ahmad Tanani of the Progressive Student Labor Front in the Gaza Strip congratulated the comrades in the PYO on their election, saying that the PYO “constitutes a qualitative addition to WFDY and its support for the Palestinian cause…The election results leave no room for doubt that principled and consistent positions make one worthy of trust, and not as some claim, that lowering our political ceiling means broadening our support.”

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